Hrant Jamgochian, J.D., LL.M

Formerly the Director of Health Policy for the United Way Worldwide, Hrant has extensive expertise in formulating and advancing effective health care policies at the national and state levels. Hrant previously served as Director of Congressional and State Relations for the American Pharmacists Association and as Director of Field and State Operations for the American Psychological Association, where he spearheaded a number of successful national advocacy initiatives and grassroots campaigns. He also previously worked at the Armenian Assembly of America, where he led the organization’s membership, grassroots and public relations activities.
Hrant received his Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from Catholic University Columbus School of Law as well as his Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Global Health Law from the Georgetown University Law Center. He looks forward to applying his extensive public policy experience to help elevate the voices of dialysis patients with policy makers.